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In the beginning...
In the beginning, there was darkness. A darkness so vast that it was said
even light felt a bit skittish about being near it. It was then that a
God of spirit and vitality pulled order from the abyss. The Great Arthur
Dent brought reality to a thundering start, creating the heavens and the
earth, the mountains and the seas, and reportedly the Pan Galactic Garble
Blaster, before promptly retiring to live the good life in a sunny Beach
house right by the water (there has been an ongoing debate as to whether
Dent's creation of the universe was actually the biproduct of beach house
construction, the world may never know).
At about this time, the other immortals started popping in from random
dimensions, looking for a cup of sugar here, a Carterian Horn of Pure
Destruction there, and many, for unknown reasons, decided to stay.
It was over this long period of time that the Great Ones, led by the
likes of Dragonstar, Ford Prefect, Destroyer, Ravnos, and others divided
the worlds up between them, embracing the strange new creatures known
only as 'players' with a patience that only the Gods themselves could
comprehend. It was at the time that one of the Great Ones emerged from
amogst the others bringing a horrific War for the Mastery. He was known
by many names, among them Lupus, Butter, and most commonly Blackheart
The Terror, and was said to have been here from the start, lurking about,
inventing space-time, peeking in windows, what have you. It was during
these climactic battles that the planet Earth, focus of most Gods' attentions
was broken into several huge pieces, but more about that later.
The war dragged on for millenia, causing the development of things known
as 'races' and 'professions' in an attempt to gain the upperhand. The
embattled Immortals had no way of knowing that the curious creatures
called players were stealing these creations and having their own battles
just as the Gods did. One group rose above this and set out to create
something beautiful in the self-destructing universe. It was these bold
men and women that invented The Sandwich and hence the Sandwich Guild
rose to power. Unfortunately, at about this time a devastating new weapon
was invented known only as 'Bewm'. Very soon after the War came to an abrupt
halt, with Dragonstar and Blackheart the Marginally Sane in control.
Under their inspired rule, StarMUD began to prosper again, as all opposition
was crushed. Immediatly they destroyed the Guild capitol, leaving no
more than a smoldering husk. The Guild however, was not wholey destroyed
but was driven underground.
The years past and many mortal lives went by as the carnage mounted.
Soon many new planets were colonized as space travel and teleporting became
all the rage among StarMUD's chic. From time to time, full scale
wars broke out between players, instigated for immortal amusement apparently,
and the StarMUD we all know and tolerate took shape.
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